1. Follows all guidelines of CBSE in routine functioning of the school.
2. It’s a day school. No hostel facility is available.
3. Every Saturday co-curricular activity are organized as per school
School Uniform
White Shirt and Brown Paint and Skirt, Black Shoes, Brown Tie and Brown Belt. Wednesday Pure White Uniform.
Absent Rules
Any students remain absent without information for 10 days, the name will be automatically stuck off. 75% attendence is reqired in order to appear in Annual Examination
Bus Rules
Bus facility is available.
Discipline Rules
First priority to disciplie . Having discipline committee.
Evaluation Rules
As per the CBSE norms.
Library Rules
Students are allowed to keep the books for a week.
Prohibited Practices
Any kind of Drugs, Cell phone is banned and students are expected to display good moral character.